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Acheulian The most ancient Goddess.
A Kwa Ba The Primal Mother.
Ammon The Egyptian Ram God.
Aphrodite Patroness of natural growth.
Ariadne Ruled by
priestess-queens for two millennia, it was in Crete, for the last time in
recorded history [that] a spirit of harmony between men and women as
joyful,equal participants in life [pervades], says Eisler.
Arianrhod Celtic Moon-Mother Goddess.
Artemis The Huntress.
Asherah The original bread of life.
Astarte The Lady of the Beasts.
Athena Mentor of Spiritual Quests.
Aulnay Foliate Head images were central to the ancient
Celtic cultures of
pre-Christian Europe, and symbolized fertility, prophecy, inspiration and
Avaloketishwara Redeemer of Humanity.
Baal Lord of the High Places.
Babaji Supreme Master of Kriya Yoga.
Bacchus Roman name for the Greek god
Dionysos, he was the orgiastic deity of bacchanalia, the religious wine
festivals held throughout the empire.
Bast Her holy city Bubastis
possessed Egypt's
greatest temple.
Brahma The Creator Archetype.
Called the Grandfather of the Worlds, Brahma is the First Person of the Hindu trinity
and is depicted in standing posture with four faces, witnessing the totality of his
created universes.
Brigit Goddess of Healing, Smithcraft, and Queenship.
Brisingamen Disk The Sacred Marriage of Frey and Freya is shown
in this pictograph
dating from about 500 BCE and discovered in Maltagarden, Denmark.
Buddha Amitaba Symbol of Self-Realization.
Chacmool This oldest Mayan fertility god was a four-fold deity
dwelling at the cardinal points who became one to dispense crop-quenching
rain from his sprinkler gourd.
Chaitanya Seeker of Spiritual Ecstasy.
Cybele / Rhea Mother Earth.
Cycladic Nude The polar opposite of the large-
breasted Willendorf type of birth-giving Goddess, she is the Neolithic
equivalent of the Crone, an anthropomorphised image of Transition/
Dakini Goddess of Life's Turning Points.
Demeter / Ceres Goddess of Grain.
Demeter / Persephone An archetype of healing.
Dhanvantari Lord of Ayurvedic Healing.
Diana Of Ephesus Goddess of the Amazons.
Diana With Hound Goddess of the wild beasts and glens, her crescent bow
the moon.
Dijon Foliate Head images were central to the
ancient Celtic cultures of
pre-Christian Europe, and symbolized fertility, prophecy, inspiration and
Dionysos Lord
of Grain, Leaf and Vine
Partaking of his symbolic flesh and blood (bread and wine) was central to
the Eleusinian mystery cult.
Durga - Devi Symbol of Cosmic Harmony.
Durga Jagadhatri The Great Mother Goddess.
Epona / Rhiannon The Mare Goddess.
Frey Nordic God of Rain and Sun.
Freya Goddess of Love and Fertility.
Freya On Boar She was the Nordic Goddess of Spring, Fertility and Love,
and as Queen of
the Valkyeries sometimes carried a sword.
Ganesh An
archetype of All-Wisdom and Beneficence.
Gargoyles Designed as rain spouts on Medieval cathedrals, over
following centuries
they became associated with guardianship, spiritual protection and magic.
Gayatri Goddess of Mantric Power.
Gobniu / Kernunnos Of Bordeaux This tri-cephalic bust depicts the
forest god of the Celts in his most potent form.
Goddess Of Dolni Vestonice Unlike the featureless Willendorf Goddess,
this Goddess has prominent eyes, which are emphasized by the
stream-marks flowing from them and down her breasts.
Green Man Green Man is a generic name
for the archetypes Aulnay, Dijon, Llangwm, Suton Benger, and Neptune.
Hanuman The symbol of Devotion and Service.
Hecate Triformus The Triple Goddess.
Hermes Messenger of the Gods - The Magus.
Hotei Often called the Laughing Buddha,
is the Japanese god of good fortune.
Inanna Of Fertility The Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Inanna Of Power Goddess of Battle.
Ishtar Of Mari Babylonian culture flowered from 600 to 200
Isis Winged Isis was a Protectress, an aspect of her Mother
Goddess function, and her winged image symbolizes this enfoldment.
Isis With Horus At
the apex of her influence, this Goddess of Rebirth was worshipped throughout
the Greco-Roman world.
Ixchel Crone Storm Goddess of Healing and Transformation.
Ixchel Of Fertility As a mother goddess she was the inventor of
sewing, and was portrayed as the Weaver of the World.
Ixchel World-Weaver Mayan Goddess childbirth and healing.
Jagannath Deities This remarkable trio depict dark-skinned
Jagannatha (Krishna), glowing Subhadra (Krishna's sister), and sturdy Baladeva,
their protective elder brother.
Kali Goddess in the aspect of Liberator.
Kali - Shiva Goddess of
Tantrika (Divine Union), The Black One, the
Mother in malignant aspect, garlanded with severed demon heads and girdled with hands
the cremation ground, does her eternal dance of destruction.
Kalki Tenth and final avatar (incarnation of Godhead) of Vishnu,
this is the pale horse, pale rider who comes at the end of the present
chaotic era of Kali.
Kartikeya / Murugan Archetype of the Spiritual Warrior
The serpent at his feet indicates that this second son of Shiva is an extension
of the Supreme's power.
Kernunnos Of Gundesrup The Horned One
The Celtic Father of Animals with his companion Stag and Boar is an archetype
of mature masculine energy in balance with the natural world.
Kernunnos Of Reims Here the antlered Celtic Lord of the Animals is
depicted with bull, stag, and a sack from which pours forth a stream of either
grain or gold coins.
Kernunnos Of Ste. Germaine Seated yoga-like upon a dais he wears a
torc and a robe of woolen folds.
Kerridwin The Welsh Triple Goddess.
Krishna The Divine
Kuan-Yin Chinese Goddess of Mercy.
Kuan-Yin Nepali Goddess of Mercy.
Kurukulla Tibetan Red Tara.
Lugh Celtic Lord of Every Skill.
Laussel Goddess This stylized depiction of
the Great Mother dates to 20,000 BCE.
Laxmi - Vishnu Archetype of Masculine-Feminine Balance.
Le Puy Black Madonna As Virgin and Mother she incorporated the
two faces of the ancient triple goddess (Virgin, Matron, Crone) which were
least threatening to the church, but her continuity with archaic virgin
goddesses is indisputable.
Lilith Dating to 2300 BCE or earlier, Lilith is
the first feminist.
Lion God Carved of mammoth-bone, the original of this superb lion-headed man,
unearthed in 1969 in South Germany and dated to 30,000 BCE is a
Paleolithic precursor of the later "Lord of the Animals" archetype.
Llangwm Foliate Head images were central to the ancient
Celtic cultures of
pre-Christian Europe, and symbolized fertility, prophecy, inspiration and
Lunar Madonna And Child From a 15th century woodcut by the German
master Albrecht Durer, this image connects the Queen of Heaven with her ancient
roots of maternal and natural cycles.
Monserrat Black Madonna Her dark image appears across
Europe and is passionately venerated in hundreds of locales.
Morrigan Celtic
Goddess of Destruction/Creation
Elaborated from an Epona plaque, this image depicts the Irish triple goddess:
Ana, the fertility maiden; Badb, the boiling mother cauldron, producer of life;
and Macha, the death-crone symbolized by the carrion-...
Mahavira The Great Hero of Jainism.
Matronae The Celtic Triple Mothers.
Medusa Gorgon Goddess of Righteous Wrath.
Meher Baba Christ Avatar of the Present Age.
Minerva Goddess of Wisdom.
Minotaur This symbol
of propagation (also known as the Bull God) from the pastoral era of the
late Neolithic is the most ancient
and widespread masculine image of God.
Mirabai Seeker of Spiritual Ecstasy.
Mithras A Persian, Zoroastrian and Vedic deity, he was the
most widely venerated god in the Roman Empire at the time of
Narasinha The Death Of Greed.
Neptune An archetype related to the Green Man.
Net Goddess Dating from 700 BCE, this image comes from
central Greece but replicates designs from Minoan Crete executed 2000
years earlier; this time span emphasisizes the cultural importance of
the barrel-womb shaped lady of fertility.
Nile River Goddess For the ancient Egyptians, who called
themselves the Kemi, her hook-shaped hands symbolized Regeneration.
Nike Goddess of victory and daughter of Styx.
This fierce river goddess became associated with Pallas Athena by
Hellenic times, although she appeared on vases and urns of much more
antique origin.
Odin Lord of Wisdom, Death & Magic.
Osiris Godhead as
Osun The Orisa of Love and Sensuality.
Oya Warrior Goddess of the Wind.
Pan Ancient God of
Sacrificial Fertility.
Parvati - Shiva Godhead as Beneficent Union.
Pashupati The Horned God.
Pensive Pan Ancient God of Sacrificial Fertility.
Rama Exemplar of Spiritual Conduct.
Rhada - Krishna Represents humanity's longing for Union
with the Absolute.
Rising Earth Mother Her cone-shaped headdress or "omphalos"
symbolizes a mother's pregnant belly, and the triple poppy headdress
represents the resurgent fecundity of Spring.
Sankaracharya Born in the 8th century AD he is the great mystic,
saint, poet and philosopher of Hindu reform.
Santadi Nude The polar opposite of the large-
breasted Willendorf type of birth-giving Goddess, she is the Neolithic
equivalent of the Crone, an anthropomorphised image of Transition/
Sarasvati The archetype of Human Creativity As consort of Brahma,
Sarasvati is the Goddess of learning and the creative sciences.
Satya Sai Baba Venerated by hundreds of millions in India and
abroad, the god-man Sai Baba is the greatest living Hindu guru and saint.
Satyros Liberator of Sensual Inhibitions.
Satyr / Herne The Intelligence of Nature.
Sequana, Celtic River Goddess At Fontes Sequanae, the source of
Seine near Dijon, she was worshipped since perhaps 500 BCE.
Serpent Goddess Of Crete The energy exuded by the spiraling,
coiling snake, exemplifying fertility, regeneration, and the mysterious
underworld, was worshipped in Crete as early as 6000 BCE.
Shaman Of Trois Freres This thirty-inch tall magical figure is
carved into a ceiling chamber of Trois Freres, a paleolithic hunter's
initiation cave in southern France.
Shango The Orisa of Courage, Intelligence and Truth.
Sheela-Na-Gig The Goddess Displaying Her Parts.
Shirdi Sai Baba Hindu ritual focuses on mantra, yantra, and mudra
(sacred invocations, diagrams, and gestures) as well as identifying with
murtis, or statues, representing Godhead.
Shiva - Mahadev Symbol of inner balance.
Shiva - Nataraj The
Dancer of Creation.
Shiva - Shakti The Spousal pair Shiva-Shakti (Yab-Yum) is a tantric
consort image.
Shiva Ardanariswara Godhead as Divine Union.
Shiva With Nandi Godhead as Meditative Bliss.
Sita-Rama The Sacred Marriage.
Snake Goddess Associated with mysterious waters and with
annual renewal through shedding of skin, snakes were benevolent power
animals of the Goddess since Paleolithic times.
Sri Laxmi The Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity.
Stiff Nude Goddesses The polar
opposite of the large-breasted Willendorf type of birth-giving Goddess, she
is the Neolithic
equivalent of the Crone, an anthropomorphised image of Transition/
Suton Benger Foliate Head images were
central to the ancient Celtic cultures of
pre-Christian Europe, and symbolized fertility, prophecy, inspiration and
Tara Mother Goddess who answers human supplication.
The Dagda The Good God.
The Torc Ritual
Symbol of the Horned Crescent.
Thor The Thunderer.
Tinotzin The local bishop had virtually enslaved the native Aztecas
of Guadalupe (modern Mexico City) when she appeared four times to Juan Diego in
December 1510, a scant 10 years after conquistadores had destroyed the
indigenous culture.
Triple Isis Mother Goddess Of Birth, Life and
Tyr Giver of Victory He was Odin's second son, the bravest
of the gods.
Uma Lady of the Mountains.
Valkyrie The Choser of the Slain.
Venus Goddess of Sexual Love.
Vesta With Pales Goddess of Household Harmony.
Vishnu The archetype of the Husbandman, the All-Pervasive Sustainer
Depicted as a mighty king, Vishnu is a kind and adaptable god who works
continuously for the world's welfare.
Willendorf Goddess This is Gaia, Mother Earth in all her
raw and fertile splendor.
Year King Two varieties of masculine fertility deity come
down from pre-history.
Yemayah The Orisa of the Ocean and Motherhood.
Yogic Christ Divinity at one with Nature.
Yoni-Lingam Emblem of Fertility and Divine Union.
Zazen Buddha His fingers cupped and thumbs
touching, this image depicts the classic posture of Chinese and Japanese
contemplative practice.
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